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Some Types of Periodontal Disease Treatment

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For those with gum disease, the diagnosis of periodontal disease can be frightening. And although this is understandable, those people should also be comforted to know that there is periodontal disease treatment available.

Gum disease comes in various forms, but the most common is gingivitis. If left untreated this can lead to periodontitis, which is essentially a more severe from of gum disease that can lead to teeth damage. The symptoms of gingivitis are red and swollen gums, as well as bleeding of the gums. Periodontitis includes inflammation and loss in other areas as the infection spreads, such as the jaw bone. Reasons for periodontal disease can be, but arenot limited to, poor dental hygiene, poor diet choices, smoking, and other diseases that affect the immune system, such as HIV.

Depending on the level of gum disease, periodontal disease treatment can vary. The good news for those suffering, is that there are lots of options out there.

For some, it may be looking at the cause of the disease. For example, if there is a lack of nutritional value in the patient’s diet, simply improving their food choices could help. It is known that lack of vitamin C causes scurvy, so introducing this through diet or supplements could be helpful.

When the gum disease is worse, the periodontal disease treatment could involve periodontal grafts which means taking tissue from a different part of the mouth and using it to replace the diseased part of the gum tissue. Periodontal regeneration is another periodontal disease treatment that will treat bone loss and periodontal pockets, by regenerating the material in the diseased area.

Gum disease is serious, but it is not untreatable. With the right periodontists, periodontal disease treatment will be an effective end to it.