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When to See Your Family Dentist and When you Need a Periodontist

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Oral care is very important to your overall health, and this includes regular brushing and flossing, along with scheduled cleanings at your dentist’s office. Poor oral care can lead to more than just cavities, although that alone should be enough to motivate good dental hygiene. A lack of care for your teeth and gums can lead to gum disease and infection, which have serious health consequences. Signs and symptoms of gum disease can include tender, swollen or bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, pus developing between the teeth and gums. mouth sores, loose or separating teeth, and even a change in your bite. So, what can you do to prevent gum disease, and when do you need to see a periodontist in Toronto?

Sometimes a little work goes a long way and this his could not be truer of your oral hygiene. It is often easy to overlook, especially on a particularly busy morning or when you are exhausted after a hard day at work, but brushing twice daily and flossing at least once could save you a lot of time, effort, and money in the long run. Another important part of your oral routine should be twice annual visits to your dentist’s office for regular cleaning. Here the dentist will examine your teeth and gums and a dental hygienist will perform a thorough cleaning which includes removal of built up plaque and tartar, polishing, flossing, and a fluoride treatment. If you have extended medical coverage, these visits are usually covered and depending on your coverage there could be little to no cost for these appointments; insurance companies know that prevention is significantly less expensive than treatment.

If you are already displaying signs of gum disease, or you suspect gum disease, it is time to schedule an appointment with a periodontist in Toronto immediately. What exactly is periodontics and how does it differ from general dentistry? Periodontics is a specialized field of dentistry which focuses on the gums and the bones supporting the teeth. Much like you would visit your family doctor for routine visits or general health-related issues, if you require treatment for a specific chronic illness you would visit a specialist in that field. A periodontist has specialized training in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease and, in more advanced cases, your periodontist also specializes in dental implants.

When it comes to your dental health, prevention through good oral hygiene is your best defense. However, if you are already displaying signs of, or suspect, gum disease, it is time to visit a periodontist in Toronto.