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Cosmetic Dentistry in Toronto – More Than Just Vanity

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When we think of cosmetic dentistry, we sometimes think of that over the top, unrealistically perfect Hollywood smile. However, cosmetic dentistry in Toronto is so much more than that.

When put simply, cosmetic dentistry is a dental procedure that may not be medically necessary, but it can hugely benefit a patient’s life.

The good news is that cosmetic dentistry is something that is accessible to all of us living.

In the city of Toronto. At Cumberland Periodontics, we offer some amazing cosmetic dentistry services that will leave you unable to stop smiling.

Our number one service at Cumberland periodontics is dental implants. These have a huge impact on the appearance of your smile.

A dental implant is a false tooth that is attached directly to the jawbone. Well, technically, the dental implant is the post that is surgically placed in the jaw, with a crown attached to it to replace a tooth. This advanced technique fills up gaps in a patient’s smile. The result is extremely realistic, andthe recipient of dental implants can talk, eat and smile as they would normally.

The dental implant is revolutionary and provides patients with the confidence they never thought they would be able to achieve following the loss of a tooth or teeth. While it may not be medically necessary in terms of physical health, it does prevent remaining teeth from shifting to fill empty space, and it can really impact somebody’s mental health, as it has a very positive effect on self-esteem.

Another procedure that we carry out at Cumberland periodontics is crown lengthening. This procedure increases the length of the clinical crown if there is a fracture in a tooth that falls below gum level. This form of cosmetic dentistry repairs a tooth fracture that is possibly causing discomfort and makes the patient self-conscious of their appearance because of the broken tooth. Again, this offers up the appearance of a complete, intact smile that the patient will enjoy showing off with confidence.

Cosmetic dentistry should not be seen as a vanity project. Sometimes, it is necessary to give the appearance of a ‘regular’ smile. The great thing is that when you use the right clinic, such as one of our cosmetic dentistry in Toronto clinics, it will be almost impossible for anybody to tell that you have had a cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Book an appointment at one of our three centrally located clinics today. We welcome the opportunity to teach you more about the many benefits of cosmetic dentistry in Toronto and have you looking forward to smiling with confidence once again.